I spent an hour in Emily's room while she was at preschool (a necessity). Yes, this was totally separate from the toy sort the day before. It should have only taken 30 minutes, but I kept getting distracted by the audio book I was listening to on my mp3 player (The Romanov Bride
I almost didn't do anything today, but the kids & I spent 2.5 hours playing in the basement while the wind howled outside. We are going to be spending many more hours down there this winter when we can't always go outside. So I spent some time setting up and rearranging things down there. It is going to be a continual work in progress. It is also going to bother me that it won't stay very "clean", but it is a basement, after all, and it's just going to be dusty, dirty and cob-webby sometimes.
Today the baker's rack in the kitchen received a thorough cleaning. There wasn't much organizing to do other than straighten the cookbooks, but it was dirty gross.
It had always been the plan to deep-clean the rest of the kitchen today, including wiping down over a year's worth of kitchen grime and dust from the cabinets. It was not, however, in the original plan to move the refrigerator and mop up the entire cup of milk I spilled down the crack between the fridge and the countertop at breakfast this morning. :op It took three rounds to get everything cleaned. This organizing/cleaning thing does not go as well or as fast with little kids around. And then the kitchen turned into a disaster area again while I cooked supper. Sigh. At least I have a wonderful husband who cleans everything up and returns it to near pristine condition again at night!
As I had predicted, accomplishing small cleaning projects each day is motivating and almost addicting. I sometimes have to tell myself to stop and just take a little chunk at a time. Otherwise I'll get burned out. Plus, as I mentioned above, it just doesn't work well when the kids are awake and around, so that naturally limits the amount and scope of the projects I tackle. I think part of the motivating factor is that I'm finally feeling normal again after dealing with my foot/leg issues for three months and only operating in survival mode.
I have also discovered that many of the ideas about cleaning came from FlyLady. While I'm not quite ready to become a full-fledged Fly-Baby yet, I like her philosophy about baby steps and her mantra of "You're not behind, you're just getting started!" :o)
I have also appreciated the shout-outs from some of my blogger friends that have been inspired by my cleaning frenzy. I had hoped that recording my accomplishments would not only be motivating for me, but for others as well. Keep up the good work!
I am very impressed! To stay motivated while the kids around you are destroying other areas is super tough, to say the least. I've been in full fledge toy relocation mode. About once every two weeks I rotate almost all toys. This has kept the girls interested. And keeps all toy parts together. Which as you know, can be a bigger challenge than keeping toy rooms clean! Good work, keep it up!
I switched out the rice for corn. I got it a Farm and Fleet but I bet your dad could bring you a bucket of corn. It's easier to sweep up. I had thought about putting our box in the dry baby pool. But ours is too big to then empty in back into the box. I am working on cleaning up my dining room. Then clear out kitchen cupboards. Then finishing painting the dining room. Glad you are feeling better.
I think I always get the bug to clean about this time of year. I'm not sure if it's the weather or what but I always go through this need to clean; like the windows, under the fridge/stove, etc. My big project has been to clean out the basement which I have gotten mostly done. I also made a little playspace down there for us so hopefully this winter we can use it. A friend of mind suggested trikes and wheely toys in the basement so I might try that this winter... not sure I'm ready to brave a rice box though. Good job on your cleaning, fly lady fly!
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