Tuesday, October 19, 2010

17 months old

Lincoln is 17 months old today.  He has no more teeth and no less drool than last month.  Or the month before that.  However, there are few areas he has made progress.  One large motor skill he is practicing is stepping up steps instead of climbing up them.  If they're not too steep he can do pretty well with a handrail or something to hang onto.  He continues to love to climb anything and everything.  He can now push around kitchen chairs to reach higher places.  He also loves carrying the bathroom footstool around.  Here's a series of pictures from this morning:

Lincoln is sort of saying "ba" for ball along with "mum-mum" and "da-da" and sometimes "ah-dah" for all done.  He figured out how to make a cute smacking sound with his lips that is kind of like a kiss without the pucker.  He also loves to "sing" with his motorboat sound.  I think you can only do it if you have enough saliva swishing around, of which he has plenty. ;o)

Lincoln still loves to flip light switches and push buttons--especially the garage door and doorbell.  He has also become obsessed with lids--specifically putting them back on.  This is especially true of the milk jug.  I remember when Emily went through that stage.  He also continues to empty the pots & pans cupboard multiple times a day.  Of course, that begs the question, "Why do you pick it up more than once a day if you know you'll just have to do it again?"  Sometimes you just get tired of picking your way through the kitchen.  In the past I have had a rule about no toys in the kitchen.  But what do you do if the "toys" actually belong in the kitchen?

I also have to note that I think my heart has hardened a bit this month.  That or I'm just getting tired.  Maybe it was because Lincoln was just my "little baby" or I thought I had to protect him from Emily or I just didn't want to listen to the fussing, but I've started to realize how often I pick Lincoln up every time he whimpers or cries.  And it's a lot sometimes.  I know he's definitely a more sensitive child than Emily, but I think I've also been subconsciously overprotecting and indulging him.  So I've stopped giving in as easily or as often and let him fuss a little more.  It will be good for both of us in the long run.

I'll end this post with some amusing pictures and captions...

Lincoln likes to dig this piece of "bling" out of Austin's jewelry box.

This is one tired boy!  He dug his pacifier and blanket out of his crib and plopped himself down one night at 5:45pm while I was trying to get supper started.  I guess someone should have taken a longer nap!
Lincoln's classic way of flirtatiously looking up at you with his head down complete with a nice drool drip (not so flirtatious) :op

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