Wednesday, July 30, 2008

21 months old

Emily is now 21 months old. She has had a fun summer campaigning for daddy by just being cute. :o) Every time I get out her Lorenzen campaign shirt she gets excited and says, "Tee-shut!" It is fun to just sit back and listen to her constant chatter. She speaks in more 'sentences' (i.e. 2-4 words strung together) and has some funny phrases sometimes. She says, "I like it!" whenever ice cream is mentioned. :o)

Emily loves the whole new world she has discovered at counter-height in the kitchen. Whenever I'm preparing food or working at the counter she says, "Watch Mommy" and hauls a chair over. She was fascinated watching me make blueberry muffins, enchiladas and smoothies in the blender this past week. It will be fun to share my love of baking and cooking with her!

Also in the kitchen Emily has figured out how to remove the yardsticks running through the drawer pulls to keep her out of the drawers. She can usually get them back in, too. So far she is only interested in playing with the yardsticks and not digging through the drawers. I'm waiting for the day she discovers them. :op

Emily has also figured out how to snap together basic buckles (booster chair, stroller, etc.). She can't pinch them apart, though, so I have to do that multiple times a day.

Emily absolutely loves Cheney. Thankfully, Cheney is VERY patient with her (see videos for proof of that). She asks, "Cheney doing?" or "Cheney go?" all the time. He's the first thing she looks for when getting out of bed. Then she alternates between chasing him with the baby stroller or a yardstick, "dressing" him up, using him as a horse for her bears and trying to shove his bone in his mouth. I think Cheney puts up with it because he knows there will be spills and scraps to be had almost every time Emily eats. :o)

We are also in the very beginning stages of potty training (see previous post). It's actually more like "potty exploration". :o)

The July video player is posted below and the July pictures are updated on Winkflash.
Note: I tried saving the "Bremer County Fair" video in a different format for a clearer picture. Please let me know if you are unable to view it or it takes too long to load and I'll post it in the regular format. Thanks!

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