Friday, October 7, 2011

Two big piles

I did some more serious raking today (i.e. I got out the leaf-blower).  I have become a big fan of blowing leaves instead of raking them under the right conditions.  Big, dry leaves are the best.  A breeze helps, but only if it's in the right direction.  It takes a bit of strategy, but it can save you a lot of time and effort!  My rationalization is that the electricity used to run the blower is far less than the cost of the professional massage I'd need after hours of raking by hand! :o)

The pile in the right, front yard reached Emily's height this afternoon (44").  Amazingly enough, this only represents 1/4 of our yard and well over half the leaves are still on the trees!

It only took 20 minutes to "blow" the backyard and we ended up with another pile just as tall as Emily.  As you can see, we still have a long way to go as the maple tree in the picture is one of two in the backyard.  Whew!

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