Saturday, October 29, 2011

Grandpa's magic corn

My family arrived on Saturday afternoon for Emily's birthday weekend.  One of the first things they had to do was check on Grandpa's magic corn.  When my parents were here for Lincoln's birthday in May, my dad had a few seed kernels of super-tall field corn that he stuck in our garden.  Only one plant actually came up, and it had a pretty slow start.  It was also less than ideal growing conditions along the edge of our garden.  Nevertheless, we ended up with a single corn stalk 10.5 feet tall (which is actually not that much taller than regular field corn).  It produced two ears of corn, but neither one filled out before the first killing frost.  It was a good conversation piece all summer, though.  The next question is how long it can survive an Iowa winter!

1 comment:

Heather's Henhouse said...

that's funny... one stalk of corn, at least no canning or freezing involved there : )