Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Parks & daffodils

It was a near-perfect day today: sunny and 68 degrees with a very slight breeze from the south.  We took full advantage--especially considering the forecast of rain the rest of the week and possibly even some snow this weekend. :op  We visited our top four favorite parks in Waverly thanks to our park tour last summer.  They were Kids' Kingdom (Memorial Park), Juhl Park, Kohlmann Park and South Riverside Park.

The kids also had to check out our neighbor's daffodils.  We have a few scraggly tulips that are just starting to bloom--definitely nothing picture-worthy.  We could actually use the rain to really green everything up since we missed it all last week.  Some of the trees and bushes are just starting to bud out.  I love this time of year!


Mom said...

Cute. Wish I was there!

Heather's Henhouse said...

Very cute picture! They look so sweet and innocent.