Lincoln has a pretty long list of animal sounds now. He also recently added "ah-pane" (airplane), "nice" and "ban-ket" (blanket) to his vocabulary. His favorite thing to do is run up to anybody and everybody saying, "Hi!" There are still lots of other grunts, groans and babblings that have no discernible meaning. This gets a little frustrating at times.
Although no real words are actually said, Lincoln can quite clearly indicate he wants to watch a video either on TV or in the van, which happens quite often. I know it's kind of sad considering the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of two watch no TV at all, but that's what happens when you're a second child. He gets especially excited about The Berenstain Bears and Thomas and Friends.
Lincoln continues to enjoy playing with trucks, cars, trains (pretty much anything with wheels), dirt, etc. He also likes playing with the play kitchen (as well as the real kitchen!), Emily's Little People Princess Castle
One significant development this month has been an exertion of independence concerning walking vs. riding. If we go for a walk with the stroller he'll often want to get out and walk/run alongside the stroller--sometimes for up to 4 blocks at a time. He'd also rather walk then have me carry him between the van and buildings. Because of his petite size I have probably carried him longer than I normally would have (he just broke 24 lbs.). The biggest showdown occurs when we go shopping. He is usually no longer content riding in the cart--for sure not in the designated seat, but sometimes not in the big part either. Sometimes he ends up there anyway. On our last trip to Target he ran away three times in the shoe department alone, so he spent the rest of the time caged in the big part of the cart while I attempted to balance boxes of diapers, a giant package of TP, a six-pack of Kleenex, a large shower gift and other bulky items in the remaining space. Of course, that's not necessarily the safest place either (there's a reason there is a warning label about not letting kids ride there). On our last trip to Wal-mart Lincoln leaned over too far and literally took a dive into the refrigerated biscuits section. Because of all this, I have started doing the grocery shopping on Saturdays and leaving the kids at home.
Despite his literally monkeying around, we love our little guy with all his expressiveness and goofiness! :o)
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