Even though it was Dr. Seuss' birthday, Emily said it was her imaginary friend's birthday. This one is named Dirs (pronounced "dye-rus") and she made a sign. I thought the outline font was pretty fun. Emily said Dirs was turning 12 because she was sick of being 11. Okay then.
In the true spirit of the day, Emily & I set out to read as many Dr. Seuss stories as we could. We kind of cheated and started last night. However, we made it through 18 of the 27 stories that we own. We have everything from abbreviated board books to single hard-covers and a 13-story treasury book
If I were a real over-achiever we would have made cat-in-the-hat hats, had green eggs & ham for supper (which we have done before) and this entire blog post would have been in Seussian-style rhyme. But I'm way too tired for that. :op
Three cheers for Dr. Seuss!
After reading your post, i had to bake a pistachio pudding cake too! yum!
P.S. The word verification for this comment is "humbo" and it makes me laugh because it sounds like a word Emily would make up with a perfectly logical explanation...like "This week is kind of humbo...I wish it were Spring."
Loving your Dr. Seuss colection!! Makes me want to some more for mine!! :)
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