7:05am Bound down the stairs dressed in solid purple from head to toe with black Mary Jane shoes looking for "breast-beck". Go to Mommy's side of the bed and announce, "Mommy, it's time for you to get out of bed!"
7:15am While Mommy is taking care of Lincoln get out a chair and climb up on the counter to reach the brand new box of Chocolate Cheerios out of the cereal cupboard. Proceed to murder the box trying to get it open. Mommy comes in and has to use 3 pieces of packing tape to put the box back together. She's not impressed.
8:30am Ask Mommy for candy for a snack. Wasn't really that interested in candy until Aunt Courtney sent a big box for Valentine's Day. Mommy says no.
8:35am Play some LeapFrog Fridge Magnetic WordBuilder
9:30am Agree to take off the mismatched solid purple outfit and switch to a totally different purple outfit, but one that actually matches.
9:35am Decorate the new purple outfit with the stickers from Lincoln's Valentine card from G&G Lorenzen that she was specifically told not to touch--several times.
9:40am Remove all the stickers and place them back onto the sticker sheet in the correct spot. Except for one flower sticker that got caught in her hair and remained there until bath time when Mommy had to rip it out.
9:45am Redecorate outfit with remaining princess stickers from Grandpa Lorenzen's weekly letter.
9:50am Buckle up in the van to head to the doctor to have Lincoln's fever checked out.
10:15am Blow through both the granola bar and box of raisins snacks in the waiting room of the doctor's office.

11:15am After asking if she could have a sticker yet for the last 30 minutes, pick out the "Bob the Tomato" VeggieTales sticker she remembered was in the drawer by the nurses' station to go with the "Larry the Cucumber" one she picked out the week before at Lincoln's 9-month check-up.
11:50am Play some LeapFrog Fridge Magnetic WordBuilder while Mommy gets lunch ready.
12:05pm After three bites of leftover pizza (preferred cold straight from the fridge) hop off chair and head towards the living room. When Mommy says, "Come back and finish your lunch," reply with, "No. I have lots of work to do. I have to make a snowman. And watch a bideo. And feed the fish. And do some computer work." Unfortunately, the attempt at feeding the fish by herself the day before resulted in Mommy having to get out the fish net and skimming a week's worth of food off the surface of the water. Mommy makes mental note to revisit "A Fish Out of Water" by Helen Palmer.
1:30pm With Lincoln down for his afternoon nap, haul out all the jigsaw puzzles and a cookie sheet. Pretend the puzzle pieces are cookies and announce, "I'm going to make some cookies with my daddy tonight!" Mommy laughs. Continue a monologue about pretend cookies while Mommy tries to get some computer work done.
2:00pm Play some more LeapFrog Fridge Magnetic WordBuilder
2:30pm After disappearing upstairs for awhile, reappear downstairs dressed from head to toe in pink. Set out all the play dishes for a "picnic" in the living room.
3:00pm Turn on the "Jesus Storybook" CD's in the kitchen and crank up the volume.
4:00pm After noticing that Mommy had turned the volume back to down to a tolerable level, the "Tippy Boat" CD was over and the 3-disc player was moving on to the next CD, restart "Tippy Boat" CD.
5:30pm Come downstairs again dressed in full doctor's gear and give Lincoln another exam--this time being sure to include the shots she was disappointed he didn't receive in the morning.
6:15pm Play some LeapFrog Fridge Magnetic WordBuilder while Mommy gets supper ready.
6:30pm Sit down for dinner with the whole family. Answer the exact opposite of the truth for every question Daddy asks. (e.g. "Did you go to the library today" "Yes"; "Did you go to the doctor's office today?" "No")
6:45pm Strike a deal that after 3 more bites of soup she can have another roll or some more crackers.
6:50pm Ask if she can listen to the "Tippy Boat" CD even though Mommy & Daddy are listening to and discussing an interesting radio broadcast.
7:15pm Get in the bathtub. Play games with Lincoln while he stands along the edge on the outside of the tub.
7:30pm Get out of the bathtub. Make sure squirty fish are lined up and ready for the next bath.
7:35pm Head for bed. Mommy reads two books, turns off the reading lamp and turns on the "puppy dog music" (i.e. kids' songs CD).
7:50pm As soon as Mommy goes back downstairs, get out step stool and turn on closet light. Dig through closet for something more fun to wear. Play with dollhouse. Read some books to stuffed animals.
8:30pm Fall asleep and rest up for another day!
1 comment:
Good idea, I like the idea of reviewing her day....it's fun to see the life of a child; I just might have to try that sometime.
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