Monday, November 23, 2009

Turkey time

So I tackled an 18 lb. turkey today. After vowing for the last 3 years running that I would never make one again, I couldn't pass up the $.40/lb. Fastco turkeys at Fareway last week. I can't decide what the worst part is--trying to get it defrosted enough, extracting the innards and wrestling it into the oven, determining if it has baked long enough, or carving the thing up. I've had semi-disasters in all these categories in the past. However, this one, by far, turned out the best (although nothing like the picture on the left) and went the smoothest despite doing it during the day with the kids up and about. It helped that I defrosted it in the fridge for 6 days plus an extra 2 hours in cold water just to make sure; it had a pop-up indicator rather than trying to correctly place a meat thermometer; I think I've finally figured out how to detach the legs/wings/etc. It took 2 1/2 hours to carve it up with various interruptions, but I'm happy to have almost 20 cups of cubed meat in the freezer. I think I'm even willing to do it again next year--especially if Austin does all my dishes again. It will take about that long to forget about the mess it makes. ;o)

Happy Thanksgiving!


Sarah Craft said...

2 1/2 hours?!?! You are a patient mama! Hope that turkey tastes good. Happy Thanksgiving!

Heather's Henhouse said...

18 lbs!! That's bigger than Harlie. That should be a lot of leftover meat, hope you have a good turkey day tomorrow!