Saturday, November 14, 2009

Grandma time

My mom came to visit for a few days for some much-appreciated "Grandma time." Emily loves the one-on-one attention and new games/activities. I love the opportunity to get a few things done around the house and get out of the house alone. I finally spent some of my birthday money (from 5 months ago) on a highly-anticipated massage. I also had a 2 hour dentist appointment and did some clothes shopping just for me. :o)

Another great thing about my mom coming is the expert opinions and advice she has to offer on developmental progress. One of the things she did while at our house was teach Emily how to cut with a scissors, which is something I knew in the back of my head I should probably do but hadn't gotten around to it yet. It's funny watching Emily open and close her mouth with each cut. I tried to get a video of it.

Emily also worked on pedaling her tricycle in the basement and catching a ball. Plus she actually sat on the potty for Grandma. :o)

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