Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Is it spring yet?

The weather has not lived up to my expectations yet this week, although nothing short of instant snow melt and no-coat temperatures probably would. I'm so desperate for spring! I'm really hoping we might actually be able to see a blade of grass in our lawn yet this week. The snow bank along the curb is down to just about mailbox height now. ;o)

Emily & I have taken advantage of the nicer weather. On Monday we trekked across the street to play in the snow with some neighbor kids (ages 4 1/2 & 22 months). They have a decent slope in their backyard and the kids spent an hour going down on sleds (with a little push) and climbing on the swing set. I had to carry Emily home kicking and screaming. :o)

Yesterday Emily & I again headed outside in the afternoon. It was getting pretty sloppy and wet. Emily found a puddle on the driveway where water is dripping off the gutters. She started off just stomping and splashing in her boots. Before I knew it, though, she plopped right down in the middle of it and started splashing with her fleece mittens. :op Thankfully she was at least wearing snow pants. Needless to say, we went inside soon after that and most of her winter gear went straight to the washing machine!

With the warmer weather the neighborhood squirrel population has begun to re-emerge. Emily loves watching them run around the trees, along the fence and across the power lines. The funny thing is whenever she spots one she points and says, "Goose!" We have a little clarification work to do there. ;o) "Squirrel" is just so much harder to say!

Emily also experienced her first automatic car wash yesterday. She wasn't scared, but more in awe. "Ooh!" was all she said. :o)

1 comment:

Adam & Brandi said...

I agree with you Megan....I want to be able to take Asher outside without bundling both of us up and spend hours playing in the sand and swinging. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has the carry their child inside kicking and screaming...I guess I'd rather have it that way with them loving being outside than the opposite...I still just always feel bad making him come in:(.