Saturday, June 18, 2011


Blowing bubbles was crossed off our summer bucket list today...


Bubble tips from a seasoned expert:
  • Pick a day with a very slight breeze or no wind at all and strategically pick a spot based on the direction of the wind.
  • Save the longest wands that come in the tallest bottles to use in shorter bottles so the wand doesn't get dropped and stuck in the bottle.
  • If you don't have long wands, make sure you have a needle-nose pliers or similar tool to constantly fish the wands out of the bottle.  
  • Buy a big, cheap bottle of bubble solution and pour into smaller bottles for the kids to use (with longer wands).  This minimizes the wasted solution when they inevitably knock over the bottle they are using.
  • If you are using longer wands, you can usually make just as many or more bubbles by gently waving the wand through the air vs. blowing through it.  It saves tired cheeks and dizzy heads.  It's also easier, more productive and less frustrating for the kids. 
  • Just throw away the little, cheap party-favor bubble bottles.  I detest those things.
  • Use up your bubble solution.  It doesn't work well after being frozen all winter.
  • Don't buy the big pack of lots of different kinds of wands.  Most of them are small and hard to handle.  They are cheap and break easily.  Many require you to touch your mouth to something and blow through it.  All kinds of disgusting.  Bubbles are the same shape no matter what wand you use.
  • Don't bother buying the motorized bubble makers unless you're planning a one-time use for a wedding or something.  They go through bubble solution like crazy.  They break easily, and the batteries corrode.  The bubble guns rarely work in the first place.
  • Skip the new "colored bubbles" too.  They probably are washable as advertised, but they will freak you out so much that you won't want the kids anywhere near them.  :o)

1 comment:

Becky Bartlett said...

Hilarious tips, Megan!! :) I have been learning many of these the hard way!