Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

It was a great Mother's Day.  The weather was beautiful.  I got to spend 3 hours of uninterrupted time in my bed this afternoon, which I was really looking forward to after a long week of hard work.  Emily was able to wait until today to have me open the gift she made at preschool.  She was so excited about it.  She had already told me all about the "surprise" card she & Daddy picked out at Wal-mart last weekend. ;o)  Emily also made a "Happy Mother's Day" flag two weeks ago.

 I am so blessed to be the mother of two super kids!


cobo said...

Happy Mother's Day! Sounds like you had a great day and what a great picture of you with the kids!!

Word Verification: walike
Definition: the way people from Boston would describe groups with a penchant for fighting.

"Early settlers claimed the Sioux were a "walike" tribe."

Sarah Craft said...

A very Happy Mother's Day to you! SO happy you got some time to yourself. You deserve it!

Heather's Henhouse said...

3 hours is such a gift to us moms! Glad you had such a great day.... gotta love those preschool teachers. Wendell also had some Mother's Day suprises from preschool that were so sweet.