Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Who knew I'd have to dig through closets trying to find warm enough clothes on a frosty Mother's Day morning!  Attempts at a photo with both kids didn't really work out.  I think they're conspiring in the first picture to make sure at least one of them is not looking at the camera during each shot.

Emily was proud of the cute card she helped pick out and "sign".  A week ago she drew this picture and said it was "Mommy & Emily".  How sweet!  However, I wonder what kind of hair-do she was envisioning for me when she drew it...
Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Julie Ulven said...

You know, that self portrait of Emily is actually a sign of intelligence. The more details the smarter the child. Seriously. Mieke adds a bellybutton to her people and snowmen. That one is a keeper!