It's hard to believe our sweet little Lincoln turned one today! His current measurements are 19 lbs. 8 oz (8th percentile) and 29.75 inches (51st percentile). He still only has two teeth on the bottom despite my claims that he is teething and swearing that the top two teeth are just about ready to poke through--for the last two months. But don't let his stature and shortage of teeth fool you. He can still out-eat Emily on occasion. Just today at lunch he consumed a large piece of pepperoni pizza, a single-serve container of fruit cocktail, a scoop of fresh steamed green beans and half a piece of birthday cake washed down with a sippy cup of whole milk. Everything was cut up in small pieces, of course, but almost everything makes it into his mouth these days with little spillage into his pocket bib.
Lincoln is so close to walking. With a lot of cajoling he took 3-4 half-size shuffle steps on the deck yesterday. Otherwise he usually just sits down and starts crawling. There is a video in the video player with our attempts. He is also so close to talking. I'm not completely ready to declare his first words yet, but he often says "Mum-mum-mum" and "Dah". It's getting closer to meaning mom & dad.
Right now Lincoln is in the middle of the "dumping" stage--as in his sippy cup off his high chair tray and toys out of the bathtub. He loves the "game" if someone keeps picking things up. Simultaneously, he is also very much into experimenting with picking up and putting objects inside things--like blocks in a bucket or bath toys in a cup.
Lincoln is definitely not as into reading books as Emily was/is. He usually doesn't sit still for more than half of one before he's trying to crawl off your lap and get at something else. He is, however, more and more into pushing wheeled objects around. He also loves playing with the Incrediblock
We love our little boy and wish him a very Happy 1st Birthday!
Happy Birthday Lincoln!
Happy Birthday Big Guy! We Love You!
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