Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Another fashion statement

Emily made another fashion statement today. She completely dressed herself and even pushed me away when I tried to help straighten out her pants. If you can't tell by the picture, she's wearing khaki-colored socks that are inside-out and upside-down (skid words on top) with black dress shoes. There are sparkly silver stripes on the pants. This outfit was debuted at the U.S. Cellular store, the polling place at Redeemer Lutheran Church (mayoral run-off election) and the Waverly Recycling Center. I think she had her purple coat on the whole time. :o)


Sarah Craft said...

Kate, CJ and I were out and about in Waterloo today. Kate wore her pants inside out the entire time. She insisted on it. And every time she would bend down you could see her tail, a.k.a. her pant's tag, sticking out. So silly.

Heather's Henhouse said...

Wendell hasn't done this yet.. he does share his opinion every once in awhile but for the most part wears whatever we want him to. I wonder if it's a girl thing?