Saturday, February 28, 2009

2009 Goals Progress

Here is my February progress report on our 2009 goals.

1. Potty-training: As stated at the end of January, we're in a holding pattern. We casually ask once in a while, but only had 3-4 successes the entire month. Two of them were when Emily played the "Have to go potty!" card after being put to bed. After 3 weeks of nothingness I told her if she came out she had better go. So she marched right over to the potty, did her thing and marched back to bed. Obviously, she knows exactly what she's doing and it's just a matter of her deciding she wants to be a "big girl"!

2. Moving Emily's room: We are making good progress in this area. I have packed away or found new homes for most of the things that had been stored/displayed in the guest room. I have a list of the things that need to be done yet, and my mom & sister are coming to paint next month. I'm so excited!

3. Deep-cleaning one room: This goes hand-in-hand with #3 this month. I didn't technically deep-clean a single room, but I spent several big days playing musical closets and reorganizing chunks of the basement in order to accommodate the stuff being moved out of Emily's new room. Almost every closet in the house was affected in some way, so I'm going to count that!

4. Grocery budget: I spent 75.23% of my original grocery budget this month--less than a dollar over my goal. Yay! Austin was out of town on business for most of the last week, but I also provided breakfast & lunch for a 10-person paint crew at a friend's new house today since I couldn't provide any physical labor help. I'm running a very lean inventory right now, so next month may be a bit harder.

5. Daily praying over Emily: I have come to enjoy this ritual as I reflect back on the day's events (both the good and sometimes not-so-good). I am so blessed to be Emily's mom!

How are your goals coming? Have you thought of anything new? I'd love to hear!

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