Sunday, October 19, 2008

Potty update

The war has only begun. We've had some encouraging steps forward and some disturbing new habits develop. Emily will usually go on her potty whenever you set her on it. She gets excited and announces when she has gone. However, she will not stay dressed in bed. It doesn't matter if I put a regular diaper, a Pull-Up or a cotton training panty on. They're guaranteed to come off in less than 10 minutes along with any pajamas. Sometimes she tries to put the pajamas back on in the dark. The top is usually inside-out or backwards and she gives up on the pants when she gets both legs stuck in one hole. I hope this is just a phase because it pretty much guarantees at least one load of bedding laundry per day. Today it was two with the first at 4:00am. Sigh...any suggestions welcome. :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe it is a phase and hopefully not a long one. what about a doll she could dress and undress and a reward for staying dressed when you check on her? it's so hard to know what to do. hang in there. julieU