Friday, July 15, 2011

Garden update

I thought it was time to give a little picture update of our garden and flowers.  Here's the current garden:

We've already enjoyed four heads of broccoli and quite a few green beans from the colored pots.  The tomato & pepper plants are full of fruit and the corn is just beginning to tassle.  The marigolds and zinnias are also starting to bloom.  We only had one sunflower survive the rabbits and thunderstorms.  :o(  One of the blueberry bushes (not pictured) has a handful of blueberries growing.  Most of the raspberry plants have dried up and probably died.  This is very sad to me even though I didn't pay for them.  They probably didn't get enough water.  It's also less than ideal soil/growing conditions.  We'll have to see what does or does not come up next spring.

Here are some more pictures of flowers/landscaping from around the house:


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