Monday, April 5, 2010

Vacuum love affair

No, the title of this blog post does not refer to me.  And not even so much to Austin.  Neither of us mind vacuuming, and the chore has become easier now that we are dog-less.  The title refers to the kids.  It's hard to vacuum when Lincoln is awake because he is so enthralled with the thing that he chases you around trying to get it.  When the vacuum is stationary he is examining it closely and has pulled it down on top of himself more than once.  The closet where we store the vacuum has a door that doesn't latch tight and Lincoln knows it.  This love affair is not new to us, however.  Emily was much the same way.  Below are some pictures of Lincoln and Emily at approximately the same age with their friend, the vacuum cleaner.  (Too bad it probably won't be the same when they're big enough to actually vacuum!)

1 comment:

Heather's Henhouse said...

wow, crazy seeing emily so young! what's funny is wendell is the opposite. he's not really scared but definitely not on friendly terms with the vacuum.. of course phil tells him mommy is going to get him and that doesn't really help matters much. and yes, no dog helps matter a lot.. except for under the dinner table : )