Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A new year

It's that time of year again.  The Christmas decorations come down and the purging/organization bug hits.  I don't have any plans for a major organizational program like I did last year.  I fell off the bandwagon with that last April.  In the process, I realized I am already more organized than I give myself credit for.  However, there is ALWAYS room for improvement and modification!  This time around I have a list of small projects so I can take advantage of little pockets of time when the urge hits.  I have already purged the condiments in the door of the fridge.  It's really rather disturbing how many items had freshness dates back in 2011! :op  I was also dusting after putting away decorations and ended up purging a bunch of toys the kids have outgrown.  It's a never-ending battle!

After falling about 6 weeks behind by Christmas, I'm also restarting the year listening to the Daily Audio Bible podcast.  I made it all the way through from August 2011 to August 2012.  I highly recommend it.  They are on every form of social media.  In addition to the podcast, there is a great web site, an app, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc.  Let me know if you have any questions about it!

There will also be a few other changes in our family.  We enrolled Lincoln in the St. John's Lutheran Preschool just down the street for two mornings/week.  Lincoln & I are both excited for that!  Austin also received a promotion at work and officially starts his new role today.  He is now leading a team of five people who are doing what he has been doing the past two years.  It is still unclear if that will mean more or less travel, but he is excited for the new challenge and opportunity.

Here's to a happy, healthy 2013!

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