Friday, January 7, 2011

Bowl O' Kleenex

It has been a slow blogging week because I have been bogged down in bookwork.  I finally feel like I'm on top of things again, so here's a funny incident from the week.  One day I had to take a very important bookkeeping phone call that I had been waiting to come for two days.  Emily was in the middle of a tantrum about something or other, so I briefly excused myself from the call, semi-pushed her up the stairs and told her to finish her tantrum there.  After I was finished with the call I heard squeals of delight coming from upstairs, so I thought I better investigate.  Apparently, in retaliation for me sending her upstairs, Emily thought it would be funny to take not one, but two boxes of Kleenex and gleefully empty them all over her room.  I was not amused--especially since I had to walk out the door in 15 minutes for a doctor's appointment.  Did I mention that Emily had also changed back into her pajamas?  After helping her get started, Emily had to pick up all the Kleenexes and at least gather them into one pile.  Then she needed to get dressed again.  Luckily, I hit the mark on the first try when I told her she had 5 minutes, and if she wasn't dressed by the time I came back upstairs I would start taking toys out of her room starting with her princess castle and next would be her Magic School Bus books.  We made it out the door on time.

Earlier that day, Lincoln had gotten into the kitchen cupboard of big bowls as he has many times before.  He turned one over and tried to use it as a stepstool.  Tragically, after 8 years of faithful weekly service, Austin's big popcorn bowl succumbed to the pressure and cracked.  Sniff.  I don't even know if Wal-mart carries the $1 bowls in the winter. 

Anyway, before being tossed into the recycling bin, I decided it was the perfect storage container for all the Kleenexes Emily had gathered since I wasn't going to try and fold them back into a box, and I certainly wasn't going to waste them!  Thus, the Bowl O' Kleenex that now resides in our bathroom.  Luckily, both Lincoln & I have drippy noses so we're going through quite a few in a day.  I'm just waiting for Lincoln to get a little too curious and find another mess on our hands...

1 comment:

Heather's Henhouse said...

Priceless.. oh the laughs you'll have some day looking back on this craziness.