Friday, January 14, 2011

Snickerdoodle boots

We seem to be in the mess-making business this week.  On Wednesday afternoon I was running errands in Waterloo with the kids.  One of our stops was a bank to sign some paperwork.  The well-meaning lady at the bank tried to send us home with a half dozen cookies, particularly the freshly-made snickerdoodles.  Emily happily took a cookie and the last miniature Snickers from the lady's candy tray.  Back in the van Emily asked me to open the Snickers, which I did and handed back to her.  I assumed she just ate it.  However, an hour later we were at church waiting for the family meal to start and Emily started getting fidgety.  She was wearing her jean dress with rainbow striped tights and her pink snowboots.  Apparently, she had not eaten the Snickers right away, and it had somehow fallen into her boot where it had been slowly melting into her tights.  By this time it was just a big, sticky, gooey mess.  Of course I didn't have anything else for her to change into, so the rest of the night she chattered about nothing else but "the snickerdoodle in my boot."  I ended up having to try to explain to several people what she was talking about.  I am happy to report that the Snicker goo came off the tights just fine in the wash today.  I also got most of the goo out of the boot using a toothbrush with a dab of detergent.  However, I'm sure I will never hear the end of the "snickerdoodle" every time Emily puts on her boots!


Sarah Craft said...

Thanks for the laugh!!

cobo said...

"AHHH, melted chocolate in the [boot]. That ought to up the resale value." ~Richard from Tommy Boy