Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hack job

I gave in.  We cut Lincoln's hair today.  Short.  Because as cute as it may be, this obviously wasn't working:

Lincoln has been using his food as hair gel for the last couple weeks.  He HATES having his hair washed, so it ended up just being crusty and sticky-outy (professional salon term) most of the time.  I really didn't want to totally buzz his head.  And I'm really not a fan of the whole let-it-go/long-shaggy-hair look on boys.  But in between seems to take a lot of maintenance.  Since I have no hair skills whatsoever, and my hairdresser friend who has trimmed Lincoln's hair a few times is moving away next week, we had had to go for something somewhat easy.  So out came the clippers I used to use on Austin's hair.  I strapped Lincoln in the booster seat on the deck, put on the 1/2" guard and took a deep breath.  This is kind of how I felt about it, too:

It took two rounds, but we got most of it done.  There is still some trimming fixes that need to be done.  And I really need more practice with a scissors.  I personally think saving baby hair is a little bit grotesque, so here's a picture for Lincoln's baby book:

Now it's really short, and it's going to take a little getting used to.  But for summer and the whole food-in-the-hair stage I think it's going to work much better for everyone involved.  We can always grow it back out again in the fall.  Maybe I'll have to take some night classes at beauty school. ;o)


Sarah Craft said...

Funny post, Megan! And Lincoln, you are lookin' good. I'll have to show your pics to CJ. :)

Adam & Brandi said...

Love the new "do":)