Thursday, May 29, 2008


Last night I treated myself to a 30 minute professional massage by a lady in Denver. I had designated birthday money specifically for that purpose. Of course, that's a pretty sad statement considering the fact my birthday is June 24! I had literally been carrying cash in an envelope at the bottom of my purse for almost year. Anyway, it was wonderful. I do believe that if we would ever find ourselves independently wealthy I would consider indulging in massages on a regular basis... :o)

On a not-so-relaxing note, I ran errands in Waterloo today with Emily in the driving rain. I now know why I haven't really ever attempted that before. Toddler+Umbrella+full shopping cart in Target parking lot = comical sight.

Yesterday I received the email asking for baked goods for Orchard Hill to distribute to the storm victims and clean-up volunteers in Parkersburg. I was ecstatic--finally a great reason to bake up a storm without trying to figure out who was going to eat it all (besides me)! I happily dug through my recipes and loaded up with supplies this morning. I had just put the first pan of ginger cookies in the oven this afternoon when I received the second email--they were overwhelmed with the response already and didn't need anything more until further notice. Bummer dude! It's okay, though. I didn't have quite enough molasses for the second batch of ginger cookies anyway. They will freeze until VBS in a few weeks, and they are currently Emily's favorite treat--straight from the freezer. I just suddenly find myself extremely well-stocked with baking supplies. Now I just have to figure out how to use the 2 1/2 dozen eggs sitting in my fridge... ;o)


Adam & Brandi said...

Sounds like you guys can have lots of scrambled eggs in the next week:)

Becky Bartlett said...

Or maybe some omelets? Sorry about that! Orchard people are insane with response to things, huh? It's pretty great... I think there may be another round of cookies needed in the future too?? I'll keep you posted. We're in this for the long haul. :) Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

You could always make Cream Puff Dessert=lots of eggs!