After a brief resurgence following a trip to Trinkets & Togs for a $2 mixed bag of new yarn colors yesterday, business has slowed to a crawl in Emily's braid shop. Austin has been traveling for work for most of the last two weeks, and Lincoln & I can only be customers so many times. Thus, Emily made a newspaper for her braid shop:

Some further explanation: Emily recently found one of Austin's old Dilbert comic books on the bookshelves in the basement called
Build a Better Life by Stealing Office Supplies: Dogbert's Big Book of Business. Since she

didn't understand the sarcastic humor behind it, she has been taking some of the advice literally. That's why she has meetings from 11:00-1:00 with consultants on how to stop the thieves. Overall, Emily could use some real Four-P's marketing advice (product, placement, price & promotion) and a bit of training in the customer service department. She's a rather bossy shop owner. :op
As far as the tornadoes go, it was a rather crazy evening last night. Recurring severe thunderstorms caused the tornado sirens to go off three times in three hours in Waverly. We actually only spent time in the basement once. The worst of it always just missed us. There were a few tornadoes that actually did touch down and do damage, including in Belmond, IA. Since they had a coin drive at school to raise money for the tragic tornadoes that ripped through Oklahoma City a few weeks ago, Emily decided to have a coin drive in her braid shop for the tornadoes last night.
With limited outside business, Emily started working on a new braid creation using an idea from the ChildCraft "Make & Do" book. This is the braid doll she named Miami. Miami is held together with a lot of masking tape. ;o)
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