Emily is enjoying summer and the freedom to read and be creative. Her braid shop is still in full swing. Things improved after I showed her how to tie knots at the beginning and end of the braids instead of wrapping them with masking tape. She has taken great joy going to Trinkets & Togs to pick out and purchase bags of yarn ball scraps with her own money to create new color combinations or replenish color supplies. If only she could find someone to pay real money for the creations, she could actually have a real business!
When Emily grows tired of braiding, she reads her "Make & Do" book and dreams about learning how to sew and quilt. I told her she needed to talk to Grandma Lorenzen about that one seeing as how I learned most of my limited sewing skills from her. One of these days I'll pull out my old cross-stitch patterns. I did a few 4-H projects with that.
As far as books go, Emily is flying through the A to Z Mysteries
Emily enjoys riding bike but is still not interested in attempting to ride without training wheels. Someday. We also quickly discovered that she has strong reactions to insect bites just like her Aunt Courtney. Everything turns into large, red welts.
A final note about the outfit she's wearing in her monthly picture. Like her braid combinations, Emily has names for different outfit combinations. Some examples are "White Snow," "Zebra Hula," "Gray Fog," and "Black Hula". The one pictured is "Grandma Ladybug." :)
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