Thursday, October 31, 2013


Once again, I got by pretty easy on the costume thing.  Emily decided the $3 purple witch costume we bought at Trinkets & Togs two years ago was still good with the addition of a sweet purple wig that was recently resurrected from my childhood (actually, it was my sister's).  I tried to convince Lincoln to be a cowboy like Curious George with the cowboy hat and rope from the dress-up box and the cute pony stick we have.  However, he was determined he was going to be a farmer.  He dug out a John Deere implement hat we acquired during the 2008 Iowa House campaign, wore jeans and carried around a red tractor (Hey--we're all inclusive here!)  Easy peesy!

This is a picture of Emily in costume with the pumpkin she painted at school and her class picture.

We did some early, private trick-or-treating at our 98-year-old neighbor's house after school.  Millie loved seeing the kids and had a special collection of candy just for them.

Austin had a meeting, so Andjelka came over for supper and took the kids around the neighborhood while I stayed home to hand out candy.  We definitely live among an older population.  I had exactly five kids ring the doorbell, and I had porch lights on at both ends of the house.  Maybe it was the freakish beard I wore with a pirate hat from the dress up box?!? (Beard courtesy of Austin's trip to the game in Boston)

Lincoln got cold quickly and opted to come home early.  They ended up with a manageable amount of loot.  We're also going to be eating a LOT of Kit Kats and M&M's!  Next year I'm just going to grab a package of fruit snacks from the stash in the pantry if anyone happens to come.

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