The pooch sitting across the street had it made in the shade. Yes, that is a meticulously groomed poodle in a special pink dog stroller with a mesh rain/bug cover. The owner might consider spending a little less on dog pampering and a little more on a longer pair of shorts. ;o)
There weren't a lot of tractors, but the first 10 minutes of the parade was nothing but fire trucks from no less than seven different communities in both Bremer and Butler County. I hope there weren't any 911 calls during the parade! The kids enjoyed waving at everyone.
Here is Lincoln sporting a promotional hat giveaway. Not a bad idea for a warm, sunny day!
This float won the decorating contest. The theme this year was "Fun in the Sun".
This was one of my favorites: four different scaled models of a Radio Flyer wagon.
After about 45 minutes of a 1 hour+ parade, Emily decided she was hot and her candy bag was full enough, so we headed home early. I didn't complain. We can check off "See a parade" from our summer bucket list!

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