Saturday, November 24, 2012

Decorating for Christmas

I'm definitely a "decorate-for-Christmas-after-Thanksgiving" person and usually look forward to it each year.  Of course, the kids were overly eager to help set up and decorate the tree with an eclectic collection of annual ornaments, past art projects and leftover candy canes.  After that they lost interest and left the rest of the decorating and cleaning up to me.  :op 

I'm having a bit of a hard time getting into the full Christmas spirit this year.  It's cold enough outside, but the grass is still green and there is absolutely no sign of snow in the forecast.  I have also grown increasingly cynical and discouraged regarding the over-commercialization of holidays in general, and specifically the "buy more/gimme more" attitude surrounding Christmas.  I'm hoping that sitting by the fireplace with the soft glow of white lights will help me get my jolly back. :o)

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