Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Reading prize

As usual, the kids participated in the summer reading program at the library.  For every five picture books or one chapter book read participants get a small prize up to five prizes.  Then their name is put in the jar for the grand prize drawing for two bikes.  Emily completed her list of 25 books--with most of them being chapter books.  Lincoln did, too.  When we got back from our vacation, there was a phone message that Emily's name had been drawn for one of the bikes!  This was quite ironic since we were currently in a bit of a power struggle, and Emily was refusing to even get on her bike. 

However, we went to the library where Emily did a great job of smiling for the picture and being a gracious winner.  It turns out the bike she won was a little 12" bike made to look like a Yamaha motorcycle.  The seat was not adjustable, and it was really even too small for Lincoln.  Thank goodness it came with a gift receipt from Wal-mart so Emily could go pick out something she really wanted.

Emily & I went together to scour the toy aisles in search of ideas.  After much pondering, Emily picked out a new Easy Bake Ultimate Oven (no light bulb required).  She also wanted to make sure she got something for Lincoln, so she picked out a new Hot Wheels matchbox car for him.  I thought that was very kind and generous of her!

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