Next are the random headbands nestled deep in the middle of the tree. (Emily rarely wears the navy and light pink one).
Then there are the candy canes. Emily brought a candy cane home from preschool one day all excited after learning about "J" for "Jesus". She remembered from a very vivid experience last year that she does NOT like the taste of peppermint at all. However, she forgot that you should leave the wrapper on. She, of course, broke it in several pieces attempting to unwrap it so she could hang it on the tree. After shedding a few tears, I promised we'd get some new ones. We received a few when viewing the live nativity scene at the church where Emily's preschool is located. I happened to buy a box of Jolly Rancher ones at Wal-mart the same day. Emily was very generous in sharing them with Lincoln when hanging them on the tree. It soon became evident, though, that all the candy canes needed to stay up high. I think Lincoln broke three of them in the first 24 hours after taking them off and banging them against something. :op
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