Friday, January 28, 2011

The great book sort

Like the great toy sort we did last October (and really need to do once/month), we were in desperate need of a great book sort.  I inherited my weakness for children's books from my mom.  Now that bookorders come home from preschool once a month (and will continue to come home for years to come) I needed a plan.

The first step was to gather all the books from all over the house.  There are a couple hundred at least.  Even with them spread all over the floor, Lincoln was still able to find one of his favorites. :o)

The next step was to sort the books into piles and categories and figure out where to put them.  Here's how it all turned out before I redistributed the books throughout the house.

  1. I was especially excited about the new canvas sling bookshelf I just got.  I've been wanting one for a long time.  Now that we have a large and growing collection of thin paperback books it has almost become a must-have.
  2. There is a special space reserved for the Sing-and-Read books from bookorders that both kids, but especially Lincoln, currently love.
  3. This is where the seasonal books are (currently winter & Valentine's Day).
  4. This is the shelf for our massive collection of board books.
  5. All the treasuries and box-collections are kept on this shelf.
  6. I decided to move all the Dr. Suess/Beginner Reader books out of Emily's room since Lincoln has started showing more interest in them--especially Go, Dog. Go!
  7. This basket of books will go downstairs to the play area.
  8. A lot of books came out of Emily's room, but quite a few are going back because the are either especially for her or just more age-appropriate.
  9. This small stack consists of seasonal books that will be rotated out when appropriate.
  10. This collection will go in Lincoln's room to read before bedtime.  They can be rotated out with any of the other board books.
  11. This basket lives under the end table in the living room and contains all the bulky, oversized board books that don't fit well anywhere else.
  12. This is a pile of books that are going to go away for awhile.  I might get them out later for Lincoln, or I might just pass them on.
  13. This fabric drawer from Emily's bedroom cube shelves contain all the books that actually belong to my mom, including twenty-one Berenstain Bears books from my childhood. :o)
  14. This final pile are the books that are definitely going away.  Most of them were garage sale purchases to begin with.  They served their purpose, but they are not favorites and are just taking up space.
Like toys, sorting books is a good way to eliminate things no longer loved that could possibly bless others.  It is also a chance to rediscover things once loved.  Austin & I both love books and are thrilled to be able to pass it on to our kids.  I'm sure there will be many more book sorts in the future!

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