Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Injury report

Tonight I'm filing the Lorenzen Family Injury Report. All three of us have suffered minor injuries the last couple days. None of them required medical attention, but all were painful and/or annoying.
  • Austin took a chunk out of a knuckle on his writing hand when a bungee cord snapped that he had been using to tie down yard signs in the back of his truck. He says his handwriting was probably a bit illegible (more than normal) for a few days. ;o) Campaigning is dangerous work!
  • I cut open the middle finger on my left hand while slicing bread from the bread machine on Saturday. Then yesterday I sliced open the middle finger on my right hand trying to dislodge apples from the slicer blade of my food processor. I am now sporting matching band-aid wraps. It sure puts a damper on things like washing dishes and typing on a keyboard!
  • Tonight Emily slipped in the bathtub while picking up toys and conked her chin on the edge, which caused her to bite a little chunk out of the side of her tongue. :op Luckily, Austin had just gotten home and thought to give her a freeze pop since she wasn't letting me use a cold washcloth or ice cube. That helped calm her down a lot and the bleeding stopped pretty quickly. However, I think she is finding it quite uncomfortable to suck on a pacifier!
  • To top it all off I'm also feeling a bit nauseous after cooking & shredding (and smelling) 20 lbs. of BBQ pork meat for the neighborhood block party I'm co-hosting this weekend. I currently have a tangerine scented Beanpod candle burning to try and offset some of the pork odor. What makes it worse is that I discovered it would have been just as economical (and no smelly work at all) to buy the meat all pre-made from Sam's Club. Live and learn!

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