Friday, October 31, 2008

October wrap-up

Just so you know, reading all those "doctor" books didn't help a bit. Emily had half of them memorized and would tell you everything that was happening in the pictures, but when we went in for Emily's 2-year check-up on Friday she discovered they had removed the giant fish tank in the waiting room and it was all downhill from there. She kicked and screamed bloody murder about everything and proceeded to violently redress herself as soon as the doctor came in. She even ended up wearing her shirt backwards and inside-out the rest of the day. :o) At least Dr. Christiason got to experience her verbal skills first hand! I think Emily told herself, "You don't need to cry, Emily" at least five times. She is a healthy 30.2 lbs. and a sketchy 36" tall. I say sketchy because she was flailing around as the nurse was trying to measure her on the table. I'm pretty sure she's not quite that tall. Both put her in the 90-95th percentile where she has been from day one.

We also finally got a "big girl bed". We set up the twin mattress and box springs in her room after supper with cool new flower sheets and a real pillow. She thought it was pretty fun.

When she went to bed I was "the enforcer" sitting on a stool by the door. I had to silently put her back in bed 13 times in the first 5 minutes, but we got the "stay in bed" part down pretty quickly. She used up her 1 "potty" excuse and her 1 "drink" excuse right away. Soon we had to establish a "no standing, running or jumping" on the bed rule. It took about 2 hours for her to fall asleep (which is par for the course lately), but when she did, it was so adorable to see her curled up like a true "big girl" in a big bed. :o)

Below is the October video player with a couple new ones. The October pictures will be up on Winkflash soon. There are less picture/videos this month because Emily spent half the time half naked during her undressing phase, so I didn't get out the cameras at all during that time. Thankfully, she is growing out of it! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Keeping Austin in my prayers for tomorrow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Emily! It's hard to believe our babies are 2!

    Mieke has the same sheets on her beds. She is not ready for big girl bed yet even thought she knows how to sleep in one. With our stairs and open rail, no way is she going to be loose until she is potty trained.

    Julie U


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